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(photo:maximum perou)

doughnut celebrate our wedding anniversary

but i am reliably informed it is our 16th wedding anniversary today

we actually celebrate our first getting together (which happened the weekend of V98 festival: August 1998)

this august we will have been together 25 years
through good times and bad

by the time we got married, we'd been together 9 years, had two children, a farmstead full of animals and had cleared our mortgage so it seemed less momentous.

every day i wake up next to lucy i feel like a very lucky man.
she is still my favourite person to look at, and my favourite person to spend time with
WHATEVER we're doing

its one of the main reasons my company is called 'lucky perou ltd'

today we chilled in, and by the pool at the villa we be renting

not much else

which was perfect

(i did fix the bathroom sink perfectly, that i had managed to disable)

AND the sons weren't constantly fighting today: double bonus