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all photos: maximum perou
coulrophobia pt2
easter Sunday with the gang
started with the traditional easter egg hunt
at which point i was introduced to my other easter gift (that kept on giving) that had been acquired that very morning at a car boot sale nearby.
to be clear, i'm not afraid of clowns: i just HATE them
but given such a thoughtful gift, it would be impolite not to immediately don the clown costume and remain in character for as long as possible
i like to think of myself as BAD CLOWN: like bad Santa and heavily referencing 'Krusty the clown' from the Simpsons
i should NOT be invited to children's parties
i can only make obscene balloon puppets and generously offer kids drugs and pornography.
it is entirely coincidental that the costume is made in my favourite color combo of the moment: ukranian yellow and blue
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me and my clown dawg, honey
was a beautiful lovely sunny day with our dear friends
a happy time but also a sad time as stew's mum sue passed away, at her house not so far away, while we were together