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the plan to hotel overnight in West Sussex for a restful start to the shoot

did not go according to plan

when the machinery/plant room next to my bedroom sparked up at 2.46am with 55 decibels of nuisance and kept whirring and grinding for the rest of the restless night

had a 'that's never happened before' start to the shoot with Vinnie Jones screaming at us from a distance to 'GET OUT OF THERE! OOOIIIII. GET OUT. GET OUT!!'

after some further negotiation, the shoot commenced

managed to dodge the rain for everything but the final shot of the day

6 set ups in just over 2hrs was flying pretty fast 

but we finished mainly victorious 

the hedgehog was a bust

(title of my next book?)

RTK frazzled

BTS photo by Colin Williams

btw. DHL are on my shit list