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state portrait

state portrait


at 2.30am we still had 150kms to go

when i realised my driver had his eyes shut and we were still rolling forwards at 20kmh i offered to take over the driving

relieved to be relieved, he was straight asleep in the passenger seat

20kms into my drive i was hallucinating with tiredness: struggling to define the road ahead and close to tripping my balls off in an unhappy delirious state

by the time we got to the city outskirts i was getting good at avoiding things in the road that weren't real

but had to do an emergency stop a little later because the guy stumbling in the middle of the three lanes ahead WAS real

back to hotel for at 4am

no word on my schedule so went to sleep

till 11.10am

checked my emails first

there was one telling me i was being picked up 10 minutes ago (at 11am) as the phone rang to say yesunmunkh was downstairs to collect me

for a shoot with the prime minister (of Mongolia) and the producers of MONGOL KHAN

shot at an office nearby with a broken hassle-bad H3d (the model that always goes wrong) some profoto light and against a strange roll of paper(?)

and then at the government buildings for a tour and more photos after

i can't say too much more about this, at this point

but it was a HUGE honour and my first official state portrait

après shoot, Japanese dinner with the rest of the uk delegation and bed again at midnight

for no sleep, and left hotel towards Blighty 2.5hrs later, at 2.30am (tomorrow)