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decided not to go see my ma and pa today, as we are seeing them next weekend

Mother's Day USA
went to buy a durty white (loaf of bread) instead.
when dad called, to say mum had collapsed in church again and they were waiting for an ambulance at home
by the time i got to sussex the ambulance had relocated them to the hospital in Haywards Heath
they were dutifully waiting in the waiting room where they'd been put
but the ambulance crew hadn't booked them in
so they'd been waiting for 1.5hrs without anyone knowing they were there
somehow i scooby sensed this
as soon as i booked mum in, she was swiftly seen and the wonderful NHS staff kicked into gear doing tests
i'd rather NOT be taking pictures of my beloveds in hospital
but taking pictures of EVERYTHING is part of the (my) process
(my mum would rather i didnt take pictures of her in hospital too)
she was seen very quickly but we had to wait several hours for the blood tests to come back because they were so under-staffed (and over-worked)
mum had stop shaking by this point
don't mistake my mum's expression for slightly amused: it's more 'resigned to being photographed by her son when not feeling her most glamorous'
(cool room set tho)
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we love the NHS
but hate being in hospitals: especially with poorly loved ones
was nice to spend time with ma and pa, despite the occasion not being nice
waiting patiently with a patient, for an impatient person like me is a physcology field trip
the asshole giving the doctors and nurses grief for being there 2hrs and not being seen (and requesting drugs to help him deal with the stress of waiting) FAILED his physcology field trip.
mum's bloods normal
blood pressure normal
clear to go home again 6ish hours later
still no clue what's going on and causing mum to collapse every now and then (often at church and she refuses to believe she is allergic to church)
squeezed ma nad pa into lucy's mini and took them home before heading home myself
stopped to photograph a dead badger and to trouble myself with the VERY loud low flying planes landing in Gatwick, flying RIGHT over an ancient woodland, we are very partial to